Author Milam Keith Smith's

Gripping Crime Fiction

Unlock the tough and sexy world of crime with Private Investigator Klick's--aka 'The Dick'--thrilling tales, where justice meets suspense.

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About the author

Milam Keith Smith grew up in the city of Fort Worth, Texas. Moved there at the age of one--he still remembers arriving at the old T&P station downtown--by his parents from a small East Texas town, he grew up on the southern edge of a growing small city, and was able to enjoy the benefits of a city as well as the wilderness that wouldn't be developed for over a decade. Hunting, fishing, swimming in Deer Creek, he walked the neighborhood and fields barefooted, and biked often to downtown and Forest Park, specially the old round swimming pool, where he practiced diving, eventually able to hold his breath for four minutes! An even better time than bigger, older kids.

Moved south 30 miles to Cleburne his sophomore high school year by a widowed father, he earned a reputation to fight all comers in the Cleburne High hallways. He even faced off with a senior after school while still just a sophomore--fifteen years before the movie 3 O'clock High.

After high school, he worked in fields baling hay, trained as an electrician and built mobile homes, packed fiberglass, flipped hamburgers in his burger joint, soldiered in the US Army, been a journalist and newspaper editor, delivered everything from newspapers to bread to manufactured goods, sorted mail, became a black belt and instructed martial arts students, worked with the homeless, studied law and won (and lost) civil and criminal cases in courtrooms.

Finally, he returned to college, earned a BA in English Literature to become a state-certified High School English Teacher. His experiences and travels and observations come to bear in his current life writing crime novels, speculative fiction and screenplays.


Impeccable storytelling

PI Klick's stories have intricate plots, compelling characters, and suspenseful narratives that keep readers engaged,.

Authenticity and realism

CrimeNovel provides readers with authentic crime-related stories that are well-researched and grounded in reality.

And check out the author's new 'Hunt' series first novel!

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Klick Fathers and Sons

Klick the Dick

What Do You Hunt?


"The second half could be completely mind-blowing!"    

"Like watching a mini-series--a good one!"    Staci

"It's one of those books that keep you riveted to your seat not wanting to put the book down. I liked the suspense and the twists and turns it took."    Bev

"You never know what is going to happen to this guy, and you can't wait to turn the page and find out!!!"    Cash

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